Innovate scg 1
Große Auswahl und Gratis Lieferung . Time for another Real Street Product Spotlight! This bit of kit has the following functionality: a boost controller . Hey people, just wondering if anyone has used this product: SCG – 1. Eboostis the larger 60mm gauge pod. Sensor prices online with PriceCheck.
New cars and used cars, motorbikes, boats and more for sale on trademe. It has some great features that could help save your motor! Available in Department at CARiD.
I had some interest on my innovate gauge install into my Allroa I know. I found an interesting product today: a programmable wideband-based boost controller. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this unit? This is claimed to be quite new but has anyone tried one?
I have not been able to find this on any forum.
Sorry if its somewhere already on the shelf. Can someone PLEASE shed some light and take some pics on how your gauge connections are? I have this gauge but only looking to use the . SCG – can be connected to LM programmer, it also connected to nistune on WB, but no AFR showing in the small window, just everything . INNOVATE SCG-Digital Anzeige Breitband Lambda Ladedruckanzeige Boostcontroller in Véhicules: pièces, accessoires, Autoradios, Hi-Fi, vidéo, GPS,. This all in one controller not only provides you with leading edge . LSU, et ne requière aucune calibration lors du montage. Laajakaista seosmittari ja elektroninen ahtopaineensäädin nyt samassa paketissa.
Tässä monitoimimittarissa ominaisuuksia mm. Innovate , το SCG – χρησιμοποιεί την μοναδική. Selling my new gauge from my unfinished project. Has anybody got one of these in their car?
Her türlü yakıt ile çalışabilme özelliği Kutu içeriği: – SCG – Gösterge . E lektronisesti säädettävä ahtopaineohjain, jossa mukana lambdan mittaus, sekä ahtopaine ja kierrostieto yhdessä mittarissa. AFR target, you will just wind up fighting the thing. Günstig kaufen und gratis inserieren auf willhaben – der größte Marktplatz Österreichs.